Yongle Palace mural art cultural innovation projects break new records

Release time:2022-09-13Source of articles: Browse times:

The results of the 8th Internet + college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition were announced recently. Shenyang Institute of Technology won 2 gold, 5 silver, 12 bronze awards and 8 excellent awards, its a new record in the history. The gold award project the research and inheritance of Yongle Palace mural art and the application of cultural creativity indicates Shenyang Institute of Technology has won the provincial gold medal in this competition and entered the national competition.

Shi Haibin, Dean of art and media college of Shenyang Institute of Technology, has been engaged in mural art research of Yongle Palace for 11 years. Under the guidance of Shi Haibin and Wang Fei, Liu Buwei, a student of grade 2019, based on the accumulation of previous team members, has extended the traditional mural copying art to the field of Arts and crafts design, taking the exquisite and unique character costumes, plastic arts, decorative patterns, color performance, etc. as the source of creation, developed a series of original cultural products with strong Chinese cultural characteristics, and let the excellent traditional culture of China radiate new vitality and vigor in the context of the times.

Another project that won the gold medal this time is the first intelligent home bed in China that integrates technology and care - smart bed for the elderly. The person in charge is Ma Tengfei, a 2019 student majoring in robotics engineering from the College of mechanical engineering and automation of Shenyang Institute of Technology. Under the guidance of Zou Yong, director of the Institutes intelligent manufacturing training center, Ma Tengfei and his classmates set up a project in November 2019 and set up a team to start research and development. They are committed to solving the problems of the elderly, such as mobility difficulties and living difficulties. Now they have designed and produced three generations of products. After the completion of the product, the team members visited many community hospitals and nursing homes to conduct field research on more than 800 cases, with a high praise rate of 96.8%. The smart bed has applied for one invention patent and one utility model patent, one national innovation project, and won the national first prize of the 9th National College Student Mechanical Innovation Design Competition and the first prize of many provincial competitions.

The China International Internet + college students innovation and entrepreneurship competition is an important platform to promote innovation and entrepreneurship education reform in Colleges and universities and an important window to display the achievements of higher education teaching reform in the new era. As an application-oriented university, Shenyang Institute of Technology attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship education. It has built a 1344 innovation and entrepreneurship education system with the core of cultivating students innovative spirit. It integrates innovation and entrepreneurship education into the whole process of talent training, promotes education and teaching reform with the innovation and Entrepreneurship education reform system, and adheres to promoting education, learning and training through competition. The innovation and entrepreneurship ability of students has been significantly improved and fruitful in various major innovation competitions, In the past five years, it has won more than 400 national awards and more than 4,800 provincial awards.

In the ranking list of college students competition released by the Chinese Association of Higher Education, Shenyang Institute of Technology ranked 6th in the national private and independent colleges competition list of 2017-2021, and 1st in Liaoning Province; It ranked 41st in the 2017-2021 national newly-built undergraduate college competition and 1st in Liaoning Province.


Translated by Basic Courses Department

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