The ceremony of the series of training for reserve cadres was a successful ceremony

Release time:2023-05-23Source of articles: Browse times:

On May 17th, the launch ceremony of a series of training activities for school reserve cadres was held in the 205 lecture hall of the library. Party Secretary Hu Xiaomei, Principal Li Kangju, and Vice Principal Shaoyu attended the launch ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Zhao Mingyu, Director of the Personnel Department.

Reserve cadres should have a deep understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishment", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two maintenance", and contribute to the construction of the school through practical actions

Li Kangju attaches great importance to the construction of the cadre team and emphasizes the importance of selecting excellent faculty and conducting training for reserve cadres in schools. He deeply explained the school's development goals, Shen Gong spirit, educational philosophy, cultural philosophy, and governance strategy, analyzed the key role played by leading cadres in policy formulation and implementation, and pointed out that reserve cadres should have self-awareness to change their thinking patterns, enhance political literacy, and enhance management capabilities. I hope everyone can broaden their thinking and muster up enthusiasm to strive for the goal of achieving the school's "quality, education, and development".

This training activity is conducted in the form of lectures, simulation activities, discussions, etc, with the aim of cultivating high-quality reserve cadres for the school, strengthening the construction of the school's cadre team, and achieving sustainable development.

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