Zhongbai High end Forum on Surface Engineering and Laser Processing Technology was held in Shenyang Institute of Technology

Release time:2022-11-26Source of articles: Browse times:

On October 26, Zhongbai High end Forum on Surface Engineering and Laser Processing Technology was held in Shenyang Institute of Technology. Liu Tong, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Division of the Education Department of Liaoning Province, Wang Zhaobao, Chairman of the Board of Shenyang Institute of Technology, Li Kangju, Shaoyu, Li Wenguo, Gongpiguo and other school leaders attended the forum. Academician Schelege Valery Konstantinovich of Belarusian State University of Technology, Professor Malat Alcomovich Belotzerkovsky of Belarusian State University of Technology, Professor Gong Yadong of Northeast University, President Liu Weijun of School of Mechanical Engineering of Shenyang University of Technology, and Researcher Li Jinguo of Shenyang Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Zhou Yuebo of Shenyang Institute of Technology and other well-known experts in the industry exchanged and shared research achievements in the field of surface engineering and laser processing technology between China and foreign countries.

President Li Kangju extended a warm welcome to the participants. He pointed out that for a long time, the school has actively integrated into the "the Belt and Road" construction, deepened and expanded international cooperation and exchanges, and carried out multi-level and multi field practical cooperation. Relying on the discipline advantages, we will establish a joint laboratory for international cooperation that combines production, learning, research and application, create a "the Belt and Road" academic exchange platform, attract experts and scholars from all countries to carry out research and academic exchanges, promote the sharing of high-quality educational resources of the "the Belt and Road", and achieve fruitful results in international cooperation and exchanges. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belarus. Over the past 30 years, the two countries have continuously deepened cooperation in science, technology, education and other fields, and achieved fruitful results. Since 2021, the Belarusian National University of Technology and our university have started cooperation, successively carried out "2+2" joint cultivation, co construction of material laboratory center and other cooperation, and achieved the expected results. In the future, Shenyang Institute of Technology will further deepen exchanges and cooperation with Belarusian National University of Technology, and constantly improve the level of running a school.

Director Liu Tong pointed out in his speech that Shenyang Institute of Technology attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation in education and always takes internationalization as an important strategy for the reform and development of the school. In recent years, the university has actively served the "the Belt and Road" initiative, and has carried out extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with many universities in countries along the "the Belt and Road" in terms of teacher exchanges, student joint training, scientific research cooperation, co construction of laboratories and cultural exchanges, and achieved remarkable results. The convening of this forum is a remarkable manifestation of the pioneering and innovative, enterprising, open school running, active integration into the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" and the high-quality development of education internationalization in our province. It is hoped that Shenyang Institute of Technology will take this forum as an opportunity to further integrate resources, build a platform, expand exchanges, strengthen cooperation, and constantly make new breakthroughs, achieve new development and reach a new level on the road of promoting open education and achieving high-quality development of the school.

Academician Shereg Valery Konstantinovich delivered a keynote speech. Academician Konstantinovich has been committed to the research on the theory and practice of porous powder materials for liquid and gas for more than 30 years, laying a theoretical foundation for adjusting the pore size distribution of porous powder materials according to the area and thickness of filter products, so that Belarusian and Russian enterprises can develop and implement new materials and production processes for liquid and gas filtration. He introduced the research results and their practical application in detail.

During the forum, Professor Gong Yadong gave a report entitled "Microscale Cutting and Grinding Technology and Application". Professor Malat Alcomovich Beltzerkovsky gave a report entitled "Innovative Development in the Field of Hardening, Repair and Protection of Mechanical Equipment Parts". President Liu Weijun gave a report entitled "Development and Application of Laser Cleaning Technology". Researcher Li Jinguo made a report entitled "Research progress in superalloy laser additive manufacturing alloy design, process and application". Professor Zhou Yuebo gave a report entitled "Research on Material Corrosion and Mineral Fluorination". The reports made by various experts showed the latest research results in the field of surface engineering and laser processing technology, condensed the advantages in the field of surface engineering and laser processing technology, formed a collaborative development force, and contributed to the development of the industry and technological breakthroughs in related fields.

Teachers of the College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, undergraduates and some postgraduates of mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, material forming and control engineering listened to the reports of experts.


Translated by Basic Course Department

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