Our School Held a Special Training Session on Teacher Ethics Education

Release time:2024-03-28Source of articles: Browse times:

In order to firmly implement the first standard of teacher ethics and style, and improve the level of teacher ethics and style construction under the new situation, our school held a teacher conference on the afternoon of March 27th to carry out specialized training on teacher ethics and style. Party Secretary Hu Xiaomei presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Professor Fu Junfan, Director of the School Academic Committee and Director of the Teaching Promotion and Teacher Development Center, delivered a report. Vice principals Shao Yu and Zhou Yongchang attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that a strong country must first strengthen education, and strong education must first strengthen teachers. Teachers are the foundation of education, the source of promoting education, and the primary resource for educational development and talent cultivation.    

 In the process of deep learning and practice, we should improve our theoretical literacy, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, and solidify the ideological foundation of firmly supporting the "two consolidations" and resolutely upholding the "two safeguards". Strengthen the study of laws, regulations, and teacher ethics policies such as the "Ten Guidelines for Professional Behavior of College Teachers in the New Era", pay attention to the combination of high-level guidance and bottom line requirements, and emphasize both strict management and kindness. Vigorously cultivate and promote the spirit of educators, publicize and report on the typical deeds of excellent teachers, and tell good stories of teacher ethics. We should combine the 40th Teacher's Day promotion and celebration activities, make good use of the red cultural resources in Liaoning, carry out large-scale ideological and political practice activities, further enhance the patriotic sentiment and enterprising spirit of teachers and students, and guide the comprehensive improvement of teachers' ideological and political qualities, professional ethics, and professional abilities with the correct political direction and value orientation.

Fu Junfan, with the theme of "Defining and Preventing Academic Misconduct in Universities," comprehensively and profoundly expounds the importance of building a scientific research style and academic ethics from eight aspects: a good academic atmosphere is the foundation of the university, a definition of academic misconduct in journal articles, and ways to prevent academic misconduct. He educates and guides teachers to cherish academic reputation, strictly abide by scientific research integrity, maintain a good academic atmosphere, overcome difficulties, and climb new heights, making greater contributions to the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology and the construction of a strong science and technology country.

                         Translated by Basic Courses Department

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